View of an audience from behind, sitting in front of a cinema screen watching a film with closed captions
Video, 5 mins

Rethinking Subtitles for Deaf Audiences

Creating more accessible cinematic experiences for Deaf people

Following on from our ‘Animating Inclusion’ film, ‘Rethinking Subtitles for Deaf Audiences’ considers the potential impacts for Deaf audiences if filmmakers and production companies were to adopt our ‘Six Recommendations for Change’. 

Beth Evans and Dr Ryan Bramley - two members of the ‘How do Deaf British Sign Language (BSL) users experience suspense in film?’ project team - summarise the findings from this research. 

‘Rethinking Subtitles’ also features an interview with Hamza Shaikh, a Deaf educator, campaigner, and Member of the Board of Trustees for the British Deaf Association. Hamza discusses the frustrations of not being able to access the cinematic experience, as well as advocating for the adoption of our research recommendations and guidance by people within the Government and across the media industry.

Dr Ryan Bramley recently submitted these project findings and recommendations as written evidence to the Culture, Media and Sport Committee’s British Film and High-End Television Inquiry (to benefit their exploration of ‘What needs to change to ensure the industry is supporting inclusivity and sustainability’)

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The film

The research

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