A stylised cartoon background with a female runner in the centre
Video, 5 mins

iRunner: the Effects of Information and Technology on Runners

Do fitness trackers and smartwatches change how runners feel and behave?

How do tech companies affect runners? What does this mean for fitness in today's world? The iRunner film project takes a closer look at these questions.

Based on research with runners to understand their experiences, Human Studios have created a short film to explain the project's results.

The iRunner project raises attention about how both we and companies use digital information about our lives. The project prompts us to think about healthy information technology use and design in health and fitness.


Academic Lead

  • Lee Pretlove, ESRC Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Sheffield

Creative Partner

  • Dr Nick Bax, Founder & Creative Director at Human Studio
  • Abby Hambleton, Human Studio

See also