Interview with Joanna Whittle
As part of the National Fairground and Circus Archive (NFCA) at 30 Podcast series artist Joanna Whittle talks how the NFCA collections inspired her work during for the Ghosted Ground project.
Joanna Whittle is a painter who works directly with landscape and archival sources and collections. She is a member of the Contemporary British Painting Society and shows work extensively nationally and internationally. Joanna is strongly committed to research, collaboration and engagement. Her landscape paintings consider fragility and transience in the landscape through small-scale paintings of fairground architecture and circus tents which create makeshift and unsettled worlds. Here temporary structures sit secretly in empty landscapes with lights gleaming under grey skies in spaces of silence, where the entertainment exists only as a temporary segment of these worlds before they sink back into quietness.
Credits and Additional Information
- Andrew Moore, Digital and Exhibitions Officer at the National Fairground and Circus Archive.
Editing/Post Production/Mastering
You can discover some of the collections that were discussed and more by searching on our Discover our Archives and NFCA Digital databases.
You can view images and films footage from the collections that Joanna talks about in her interview by following the links below:
More information on how to access the National Fairground and Circus Archive collections can be found on our website.