Black Hole Superradiance
Can we use quantum fields to power future civilisations?
Superradiance is a radiation enhancement effect in a system that ordinarily dissipates energy. Black holes are one such dissipative system, where energy and matter that passes beyond a certain point (the event horizon) cannot escape. Can these celestial objects provide the key to powering future civilisations by amplifying quantum fields?
A short film by Visakan Balakumar (previously with the School of Mathematics and Statistics) and Human Studios.
The Research
Based upon UKRI-funded research conducted by Visakan Balakumar at the University of Sheffield
In collaboration with Elizabeth Winstanley, Luís Crispino and Rafael Bernar
With special thanks to Sam Dolan and Carlos Herdeiro and the hospitality of the Federal University of Pará, Brazil enabled by the EU Horizon 2020 grant FunFiCO-777740
The Film
Produced by Human Studio
Funded through the University of Sheffield Pop-Up University Digital Fund.